We summarized our latest analysis on Covid-19 for your reference. Thank and praise Lord that global CFR is declining with God's favor and mercy. We hope the incident ratio in US and other countries will be decreased too with our joint efforts. May the analysis help you stay safe and stay healthy. May God Bless you and US.
It would be great if we can let some sunshine going through hospitals' ceiling, which may help heal patients better... What would you think? You are welcome to add your comments here or email to info@aee-7g.com . See you next time.
The Mind-Controlled by the Spirit is Life and Peace
Romans 8:6
Viewgraph and Video: Denny, Pinkmei, Michelle, Pixabay
Verses: Holy Bible
Data Source: Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University, US CDC, European CDC, Visual Capital
Acknowledgment: Mark Winchester (SBA), Rich Sears (Stanford University), Phillip Jong (Shell), Mr. George (US CDC), Maya Thomas (MD, Stanford University)
Scientific Analysis: AE&E 7G Inc.
Editor: Dr. Hong Mei