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Health and Science Analysis 8 of Covid-19

Writer: Hong MeiHong Mei

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

Today is June 21st, 2020, Happy Father's Day! We thank God Father for His mercy and favor in the global pandemic. Thank to our wise advisors who have been giving us great advice and support on the analysis. We are honored and blessed to share our new analysis and observations on Johns Hopkins University data this week with you. Hope it can help people better the Covid-19 situation and save more people's life. May our analysis this week bring you new aspect of view on Covid-19. May God bless you and all fathers on earth a joyful, healthy and peaceful day and new days to come...

Global View

Over the last week, the weekly confirmed cases of almost all continents rose up except Europe and Oceania. Africa increased most by 23.8% from the week of the last, Asia increased by 16% , North America and South America increased by 7.7% within one week. Europe's confirmed cases dropped by 1%

Top 18 Active countries with active cases have been filtered in the viewgraph. Confirmed cases increased most in Brazil, India, Chile, Pakistan over last week, Confirmed cases rose by 6.2% in US , 5.6% in Sweden within last week, while confirmed Covid-19 cases dropped slightly in other countries like Russia, UK, Germany etc.

Though the total confirmed cases globally are increasing, the average Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is declining to 5.31 % by Jun 20. We hope global CFR will drop to 1.87% in 3 months with God Father's mercy and help.


United States View

Let's look at US in term of 5 groups we mentioned in the last analysis. Confirmed cases in Group 1-4 states are in good decline trend except California. Confirmed cases in Southern US states have significantly increased over the last week. Five southern states have the most increase of confirmed cases last week, in which Florida has newly confirmed cases increased by 70% last week comparing to the week before last week. South Carolina has newly confirmed cases by 59%, Arizona increased by 43.6% , Louisiana increased by 39% and Texas by 37%. Hope leaders of these state make best decision to help people improve prevention of Covid-19. Hope everyone follow CDC's Multilingual Prevention Guide seen via link

We created US incident map and Incident Rate Graph by states based on Johns Hopkins University Data, the number of Incident rate is the number of confirmed cases per 100K people, which reflects the infection rate (possibility) among people.

We created The CFR Map and CFR Graph by States, which illustrates the fatality rate among confirmed infection people. Some NE states of US have highest CFR by June 20,2020

As Southern States of US have abrupt increase confirmed cases over the last week. We created County View Map (CFR Map and Confirmed Cases by County) as shown here. Our science analysis here uses the days since the 100th confirmed cases of each county as X-axis, Confirmed cases as Y-axis, of which original data source is based on Johns Hopkins University data. Hope our US friends better understand the situation and take proper prevention procedure. We are honored to share nice online Covid-19 View of Stanford University via link

You can view the animation of Confirmed Cases variation by county using the link. If you are interested in other states and want to see the variation, please email to, we will send you the info.


Health Tips

Fish is good source of unsaturated fat and contains healthy nutrient Omega-3 generally. It is suggested by world CDC expert that keep good hygiene when process frozen food is very important in pandemic.

Recently China has found over 100 new Covid-19 cases in Beijing, where CDC investigated that Salmon board contained Covid-19, which were well kept in frozen temperatures and high humidity imported from abroad.

As "Low Temperatures and High humidity environment are favorable to Covid-19 survival", we would recommend wash hands, clean cutting board using hot water after processing frozen food, cooking food well to avoid invisible Covid-19 infection during the pandemic.


A song for Father's Day - Our Father by Hillsong Worship, Hope you enjoy.

We will keep on our analysis, praying for US, our friends , leaders, medical workers, CDC experts to stay safe, healthy and peace. If you have any suggestion, you are welcome to add your comments at the comment area. Thank you for reading, sharing and action. See you next time. May God Bless you and US with His loving kindness and strength!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you

1 Peter 5:7

Graphs: Denny, Pinkmei, Michelle, Pixabay

Verses: Holy Bible

Data Source: Johns Hopkins University, US CDC, Visual Capitalist, Stanford University, European CDC

Acknowledgement: Mark Winchester (US SBA), Rich Sears (Stanford University),

Dr. Phillip Jong , Mr. George ( US CDC)

Science Analysis by AE&E 7G Inc.

Editor: Dr. Hong Mei



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